Monday 8 February 2010


Scene 1 - Set - Atrium -Ext-Day

As this scene is the opening scene of the sequence it give little introduction but to have a quiet and sudden start.

Establishing shot of the Atrium

(Susan Bullet will enter the Atrium)

Mid Shot Of Susan

Susan Shows feeling of worry and dismay of the surroundings

Scene 2 - Set: Atrium - Ext - Day

This scene will be used to introduce the victim facial feature and star the feeling of the film.

Tracking shot of woman

(Woman is running down corridors)

Some closes up of facial expression of shock and fear

(Woman will keep looking back to find nothing)

eye line match

Scene 3- Set: College - Ext - Day

This scene will be used to start the tension and bring the horror a life and introduction to the minster of the film.

(Woman goes to hide in a doorway.)

There will be an eye line match of her looking down the corridor

(this is a dark figure emerges. The man is wearing a long dark coat and a hat (a long shot will be used)).

(He stops for a moment and starts walking towards her, down the corridor).

(Camera will go back to a close up of the woman sobbing, looking up (as if to say “why me”)).

(She will look again and the man will be gone)

Scene 4 - Corridor College - Ext - Day

This scene will be the big chase sequence which all backing sound and camera movement will echo this sentiment.

(She will breathe a sign of relief. Then a gloved hand with be put over her mouth)

(her eyes will widen.)

Scene 5 - Studio College - Ext - Day

(Another woman will wake up from a dream looking panicked.)

(She will look around her bedroom to find nothing.)

(Then she will lye back on her bed in a daze)

a medium shot will be used for this entire scene

Scene 6 - Studio College - Ext - Day

This scene is the climax of the opening scene this will have eerie soundtrack and incidental music.

(Susan Will enter Kitchen alone)

Medium shot of the door entering

(Susan will grasp a hot cup of Coffee)

(A Creaking Door)

(Susan Will Drop Cup)

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