Friday 29 January 2010

target audience of horror films

In a recent survey, 61% of males watched horror films frequently, whilst 39% of females watched horror films frequently. Whether they were fans of this genre of film remains to be unknown. 24% of these were aged 14-17, 48% of those who watched horror films frequently were aged 18-24, 19% of those who watch horror films were aged 25-34, 6% oft those who are a fan of horror films are aged 35-49 and 3% of those who are horror fans are aged 50 and over. Films, which are certified as an 18, may include many scenes of sex scenes and scenes of violence, horror and murder. Films, which are certified as a 15, may contain sexual references and mild scenes of violence. Films, which are certified as a 12A, may contain strong language and mild sexual references.

Monday 25 January 2010

Friday 22 January 2010

Analysis of Rosemary's Baby

This scene is 6 minutes 51 seconds long. As the credits appear on the screen, there is an eerie asynchronous sound of a young woman singing. There is then a slow pan over the city tops of New York City. There is then a slow tilt to the busy streets below, ending with a bird's eye view of the houses. The asynchronous sounds end then there appears to be a long shot, with a man in a business suit in the foreground, and a young couple in the background. The young woman, named Rosemary, is in a short white dress, showing she is an embodiment of purity and innocence. The man who stands next to her, who is apparently a husband or lover, is in a blue jacket and yellow trouser suit. He walks with a cane, suggesting that he is of a higher class than his lover and the man who appears in front of him. The man who appears in front of him is a business man, shown by the suit he appears to be wearing. They appear to be in an upper class part of the city, shown by the large fish water fountain and the alcove which they appeared under had a set of gates at the end. There is a slow pan towards the couple walking past the fountain. There is then a high angle of the interior of a large, majestic building, showing they may be wealthy, due to the interior of the building. There is then a tracking shot reversing, which also appears to be on a dolly, of the young couple and the businessman, showing that the business man is a real estate agent, which is also shown through the dialogue, and that these three people are the main focus for this segment. The fact that they are entering a elevator shows that although they may have a lot of money, they aren't rich enough to buy a house.

There is then a shot from the backs of the young couple, showing the real estate agent's face and they back of the man in the elevator. Then they're is a pan from the man in the elevator's face, to his feet. There is then a cross cut between the real estate agent and they young couple, ending back at the real estate agent. There is a close up of Rosemary and then of a letter which the previous tenant wrote, saying, "I can no longer associate myself.", suggesting that she may have been a loner, or in fact that she may have committed suicide. The antique items the previous tenant had in the apartment suggests that she was a refined woman. Also, the herbs suggest she preferred to do her own cooking, suggesting that she was an independent woman.

Video that is going to be analyzed.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Brief and group members

For this part of the work, I am working with Charlotte Wood, Scott Richardson and Adam Spence. For our video, we are going to do a horror sequence, using some of the conventions which are typically found in a horror film. Our initial idea was a young girl running through either a house or forest, turning her head in fear to see a dark figure every time she turns her head. she finally turns her head and sees the dark figure staring at her. She screams and opens her eyes to find she is in bed with her husband, realizing that it was all a dream.